Obama: US Will Take Action Against Russia for Hacking
December 19, 2016 Economic News
December 19, 2016
Editors Comment: Utter nonsense regarding Russia hacking the US Election. However, what Obama and company fail to mention is that if Russia can hack our electronic voting machines th... Read MoreNASA scientist warns Earth is due for ‘extinction-level’ event
December 15, 2016 Apocalypse
December 15, 2016
Editor’s Comment: So if we can’t do anything to stop it, why worry about it? Nuth’s idea to build an interceptor rocket makes me wonder if he has been spending too ... Read MoreFukushima Radiation Is Allegedly ‘Cooking’ The US West Coast
February 24, 2016 Food Storage & Production,Health & Wellness
Editor’s Note: What happens in one part of the world, eventually makes it’s way around our planet. Ironically you probably won’t be hearing about this on your local or nightly news p... Read MoreState ban on local gun regulations debated; corporate hog ownership advances
January 25, 2016 Self Defense
Cities and villages in Nebraska could not enact ordinances to prevent carrying concealed weapons under a bill being debated in the Legislature. And a bill allowing meatpacking companies to own hogs ha... Read MoreScary questions in December 23rd Ukraine energy grid hack
January 20, 2016 Apocalypse,Economic News
January 20, 2016
American investigators are traveling to Ukraine to investigate a recent electricity blackout — perhaps the first major act of cyberwar on a civilian population.
Ukraine’s ... Read MoreFEMA sends officials to help with Flint water crisis
January 14, 2016 Health & Wellness
January 14, 2016
With our crumbling infrastructure and no plans by state and local officials to do anything about it, anytime soon, this could happen in any city in the United States. What a shame tha... Read MoreLos Angeles closes all schools after receiving threat
December 15, 2015 Societal Decay
“This is a rare threat … It was not to one school, two schools or three schools, it was many schools,” Cortines told reporters at a press conference that began shortly before schools... Read MoreDie Another Day: Can the Global Economy Keep Going?
December 9, 2015 Economic News
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to make sense of the conflicting signals coming in about the state of the global economy. What will the economic numbers be for Christmas 2015? Will it be n... Read MoreLarge quantity of cellphones bought raises red flags
In the early morning hours on Saturday–around 3:50–two men buying a large number of cellphones at the Walmart in Lebanon set off some concern. Local authorities were alerted – is thi... Read MoreWeakening Global Economy Spreading To U.S. Economy As Virus Multiplies
October 26, 2015 Economic News
Consumer spending slowing as real wages in U.S. decline. Even in a robust auto environment retail sales weakening. Increasing costs of shelter will eat away at disposable income.
... Read MoreSuspected Ebola patient taken to New York hospital
August 19, 2015 Global Pandemics
A suspected Ebola patient has been taken to hospital in New York City after a visit to West Africa. The patient was rushed to the Bellevue hospital with Ebola-like symptoms in Manhattan earlier today,... Read More